Lighting fires in the woods
Fire is the father of everything
Anyone who wants to try their hand at bushcraft and survivalism must know the importance of fire
Warmth, protection, food and water
in a remote situation, fire can provide us with everything we need to survive, it can keep us warm, it can create what we need to purify water, and it keeps unwanted guests away
Turn it on with minimal effort
Lighting a fire in a wild context is not a feat, so having the best equipment to achieve the goal will allow you to save important energy.
the Bushcraft Fire
There is not a single Bushcraft fire , but the peculiarity of the bushcraft fire, compared to the classic suvivalist campfire is that it is a multifunctional fire designed to last
the Bushcraft Fire
Fire, especially in Bushcraft, is the father of everything

Light up a stack of fire with the Scout fire starter kit Heliko-Tex
Starting with the easiest, we did the first test with the Helikon-tex fire starter kit, a handy kit where we can already find inside a small flintlock, two combustible cubes and a cotton swab Obviously the cotton swab was useful as a trigger, once the cotton was ignited we sent the fire to the flammable cube, after which than to give life to our little fire a stack was simple, obviously we had already prepared the various layers of fuel, with a good bed made up of dry wood chips

Create a hut fire
Another method of starting a fire it is with the hut positioning, this system is also designed to allow easy ignition of the firebox and continuity in combustion without the need for a continuous supply. The procedure is very simple, first of all the soil is prepared, cleaning and possibly creating a barrier with stones. Then a base is made with small wood, dry wood peel and fuel for starting, after which a first level of small sticks, then you go up with a level of larger sticks and so on until the desired size is formed once started the trigger is inserted inside the hut and the job is done

Dakota Hole Fire
The Dakota Hole fire is a small campfire, designed to minimize the visibility of the flame, the secret consists in digging two holes in the earth, a main one that will act as a brazier and a secondary one, much smaller that will serve as an air intake, the two holes must be joined by an air passage tunnel, in this way you can create a comfortable fire for cooking. which will offer a decent source of heat, with a very low visual impact

Create a fire with a half hole and makeshift cover
A nice and improvised rain cover, and a fire that half a hole and a small air intake is a good way to light a campfire in adverse weather conditions , the more the wind will be powerful and the deeper the hole will have to be, remember to create an air tunnel and lay the first layer of wood in a grid, otherwise starting the combustion will be a difficult test

"Haha, look what I created! the I made the fire! I did the fire!"
We have tested the Helikont Scout fire start for you
Click below to discover our test